Yeah, I know it's a cartoon. But if you haven't watched it, it's pretty much the best show ever made. The final 9 (or 6 in my case because me and my kids and sisters are such nerds we looked up 3 episodes online) episodes are airing at the end of July. Now's the time. Embrace your geekdom. Rent "Avatar - The Last Airbender" and watch it with your family today! ;-)
(Geeks out) Oh I can hardly wait! I just can't decide if I want to try to catch two of the last episodes while we are back East or if I can stand to wait to watch them all in one satisfying marathon when we come back. I hope they pull this off, and if it is as good as the trailer implies, it will take its place and the one perfect TV show of all time.
We watch this trailer at least twice a week (and about three episodes) in great anticipation of the final episodes. We are so so excited! did you read the spoiler pages on the link site from my blog? I don't know if they are the real story or not...but either way, it's going to be awesome!! What are your feelings about the M. Knight Sh. movie? Glad to know that we are not the only Avatar obsessed family out there. I have converted most of my siblings over to team Avatar. So much fun!
your blog is great, btw. Glad you found me so i can link up!
OMG you are a TOTAL NERD...but I will admit I am contemplating renting it and watching it...I shall now wait for you to stop gasping in shock...*wink*
Hey--the cathedral was Strassburg, France. and my birthday was june 29th. i'm always a few days late on the blogs. Do you like it when people comment back on their own blogs? not me. That's why I'm comin' to yours. What is the socially acceptable blog thing to do? Maybe, both? I don't know.
Here's some Avatar movie line trivia: name the book; better yet, name the episode.
"The boulder's over his conflicted feelings and now he's ready to bury you in a rockalanche. "
this one's easy. next time, watch out.
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