Because I have to have a picture and since Jonathan Rhys Meyers is better looking than the real Henry. It's relevant! It really is! ***
For someone who loves writing you would think it wouldn't be so blasted hard to update a measly little blog. Well, I at least love the IDEA of writing. I don't know if I've really actually loved writing for writings sake since my livejournal days which overlaps with my Reformation Britain History days at Utah State. Odd that the class covering my favorite period and place in history would diminish my love of writing. Preparedness was key. I'm not what you would call a prepared person. Now my friend Melanie, SHE'S prepared. I swear she always has everything she'll ever possibly need at arms reach wherever we go. Not me. I just mooch off her. Too bad she lives in Vegas. :-/
Anyway, during Reformation Britain we had to write a paper a week based on 1 of 3 topics covering in class that week. Upon learning this I thought, "YAY!!! I'm GOOD at writing! AND this is my favorite period in history! How hard can it be?" I thought I was in heaven! Then classes actually started. It took an insane amount of research and preparedness to write a flipping paper a week!!! It was absolutely exhausting! On top of that I didn't just get to write about the Henry VIII and his six wives and children. My history professor had some crazy notion that there were other factors involved in the reformation... whatever. So here I am reliving that angst and horror to explain why I put off updating my blog. And ya know? It's so difficult to make an interesting blog entry of, "went to work today. cleaned. changed diapers. made lunches. spent a ghastly amount of time on facebook. had dinner. got the kids to bed. went to bed. rinse and repeat." I know after sharing those tasty morsels I'll be receiving many requests for updates like THAT!
You know, I'm sure there are plenty of things around me that I could happily blog about that might prove interesting, but the problem is that interesting and controversial seem to go hand in hand. And controversial has a habit of biting me right on my chubby rear end. Like this whole "I'm a democrat" thing I've got going on. Sure, I'm being true to myself and what I personally believe, but now I'm under a constant barrage by one of my dear cousins on facebook *waves at Mark*. I don't know if he thinks he's actually changing my mind or if he's just punishing me for voting the way I did... probably the later, knowing him.
I could write about my kids and they are a great topic. They are interesting, intelligent, fun little people, but then I have to worry about what kind of information I'm putting out there. I tend to be a bit too honest at times. And then there is just the plan old simple truth of not knowing what to say.
And that is where I'll end this entry, gentle reader... I'm.. uh.... spent?
P.S. I really LOATHE country music. (is that controversial enough?)